American Thief is a 2020 thriller film directed by Miguel Silveira. The story centers around a teenager named Alex (played by Xisko Maximo Monroe) who hacks into the computer networks of a powerful political campaign in order to investigate his father's murder. However, as Alex delves deeper into the campaign's secrets and uncovers evidence of widespread corruption, he quickly becomes embroiled in a dangerous game of cat and mouse with the campaign's ruthless operatives.

As Alex races to expose the truth and avenge his father's death, he must confront his own moral compass and confront the harsh realities of power and politics in modern America. Along the way, he forms a tentative alliance with a fellow hacker named Sye (played by Khleo Thomas) who brings his own set of skills and motivation to the fight.

As the plot thickens, it becomes clear that Alex's investigation has uncovered not only the campaign's illegal activities, but also a larger conspiracy to manipulate the election outcome and undermine the very foundations of American democracy. In a tense and gripping finale, Alex must use his technological skills and street smarts to outmaneuver his enemies and save the election from certain ruin.

Overall, American Thief is a gripping thriller that explores timely themes of corruption, power, and morality. With strong performances from its young cast and a smart and suspenseful screenplay, the film is a must-see for fans of political dramas and cyberpunk thrillers.

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