After the young man, named Kyle, discovers that his beloved Grandma has passed away, he becomes desperate to keep her death a secret in order to continue receiving her pension payments. With the help of his best friend Jack, Kyle hatches a plan to cover up her death by placing her body in a freezer and pretending she is still alive.

As the deception continues, Kyle and Jack must navigate the challenges of keeping Grandma's death a secret while also dealing with nosy neighbors, suspicious family members, and a persistent detective who is hot on their trail.

As the lies begin to unravel and tensions rise, Kyle must decide how far he is willing to go to maintain the charade and keep Grandma's death a secret. As the stakes get higher, Kyle and Jack find themselves in over their heads and must come up with a plan to save themselves from the consequences of their actions.

In the end, Kyle must come to terms with the consequences of his actions and decide what is truly important in life, even if it means facing the truth about Grandma's death.

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