American Loser is a 2007 comedy-drama film directed by Tod Harrison Williams and written by Seamus McCarthy. The movie tells the story of a young man named Jeff Nichols (played by Seann William Scott), who is plagued by various disabilities and disorders. Jeff suffers from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Tourette's Syndrome, a learning disability, and balance problems.

Despite his difficulties, Jeff is a likable and sympathetic character. He is the kind of guy who wants to be liked and accepted by everyone, but he keeps getting in his own way. Jeff's life takes a turn when he meets a beautiful and wealthy woman named Lynn Sheridan (played by Gretchen Mol). Lynn is a gold-digger who is interested in Jeff because of his connection to the wealthy Upper East Side of Manhattan.

Jeff is immediately attracted to Lynn and begins to pursue her, hoping to win her heart. However, Lynn is not interested in a relationship with Jeff and uses him for her own purposes. Despite this, Jeff is determined to win her over and tries to get his life together in order to impress her.

As Jeff's relationship with Lynn progresses, he begins to see the flaws in her character. He realizes that she is not the person he thought she was and that he does not need her approval to be happy. In the end, Jeff learns to accept himself for who he is and finds happiness on his own terms.

American Loser is a heartfelt and funny movie that tackles the serious issues of disability, self-acceptance, and relationships. Seann William Scott delivers a strong performance as Jeff, and Gretchen Mol is perfect as the manipulative and shallow Lynn. The film is a great reminder that everyone deserves to be loved and accepted, no matter their flaws and imperfections.

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