American Joyride is a dark comedy road movie directed by Alex Petrovitch. The film follows a young couple, Scott and Nikki, who are living in a small town in South Georgia. They are deeply in debt due to their excessive gambling habits. One day, they find themselves in trouble when they can't repay their debts to a local gangster.

Determined to make the money, they decide to go on the run and rob a gas station. They also decide to film their journey with the intention of selling the footage to Hollywood, hoping to turn their misfortune into a reality show.

During their travels, they make a stop in Florida, where they meet a drug dealer named Hector, who offers them a deal they can't refuse. They agree to transport drugs across the Mexican border for a large sum of money. However, things don't go as planned, and the couple finds themselves in over their heads.

As they travel further, they encounter a variety of strange and eccentric characters, including a failed stripper, a sex-crazed pig farmer, and a drug-addicted musician who becomes their partner in crime.

Throughout the film, American Joyride interweaves comedy and drama, as it explores themes of desperation, greed, and love. The movie's unexpected and thrilling plot twists will keep the audience on the edge of their seats, from start to finish.

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