Altitude is a 2017 thriller film directed by Alex Merkin. The movie follows Gretchen Blair (Denise Richards), an FBI agent on a flight to Washington DC, who meets a charming American thief, Vic (Kirk Barker), sitting next to her. Just as they take off, a group of men hijacks the plane, taking everyone hostage. The hijackers demand that Gretchen help them locate a package worth millions that is hidden on the plane.

The situation becomes even more complicated when Gretchen receives a call from a mysterious woman, who offers her a large sum of money to help Vic escape. As the tension on the plane continues to rise, Gretchen finds herself torn between her duty as an FBI agent and the temptation of wealth.

As the plot unfolds, it is revealed that Gretchen's involvement in the hijacking is not entirely coincidental, and she has secrets of her own. With the help of Vic and the other hostages, Gretchen must navigate the dangerous situation and outsmart the hijackers to save herself and the other passengers.

Altitude is a thrilling drama that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its unexpected twists and turns. The film features a talented cast, including Denise Richards, Kirk Barker, and Dolph Lundgren. The movie's fast-paced action and suspenseful storyline make it a must-watch for fans of the action-thriller genre.

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