
Drama  United Kingdom 

As the hospital prepares for the concert, tensions rise between the staff and the patients. The nurses and doctors strive to provide the best care possible, but they are overworked and under-resourced. Meanwhile, the patients, who have been living in the ward for years, feel neglected and forgotten.

One patient in particular, an elderly woman named Mary, begins to stir up trouble. She claims that something sinister is going on in the hospital and urges her fellow patients to investigate. At first, nobody takes her seriously, but as strange things start to happen, they begin to wonder if she might be right.

Soon, the hospital staff and patients find themselves embroiled in a dangerous mystery. They discover evidence of foul play and realize that someone is trying to cover up a dark secret. As they race against time to uncover the truth, they also face the possibility that the hospital may not survive the scandal.

Amidst all this turmoil, the concert still looms on the horizon. Will the hospital be able to come together and honor their most beloved nurse, or will their internal conflicts tear them apart? And what will happen to the patients who call the geriatric ward their home?

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