All Is Lost is a 2013 survival drama film written and directed by J.C. Chandor. The film stars Robert Redford as the sailor, who is simply referred to as "Our Man" and is the only cast member in the film. The film doesn't reveal much about the sailor's background or why he is on this voyage, but instead focuses on his struggle to survive against the elements.

After the collision with the shipping container, Our Man initially tries to patch the hole in his boat, but soon realizes that the damage is too severe and the result is inevitable. With his radio and navigation equipment destroyed, he has no way to call for help or determine his location. He continues to sail, hoping to find a shipping lane or land, but instead encounters a violent storm that further damages his boat and nearly kills him.

Despite his dire situation, Our Man continues to show resourcefulness and ingenuity as he comes up with ways to keep himself and his boat afloat. He collects rainwater, creates makeshift sails, and even attempts to use the sun and stars for navigation. However, his supplies of food and water begin to run low, and he is forced to resort to more extreme measures to survive.

As time goes on, Our Man becomes increasingly desperate and isolated, with only occasional radio signals reminding him of the outside world. He also has to contend with various hazards, such as a giant shipping tanker that nearly runs him down, and a school of circling sharks that threaten to attack him if he falls overboard.

The film is notable for its lack of dialogue, with Redford's character speaking only a few words throughout the entire movie. Instead, the film relies on his physical performance and the stunning cinematography of the ocean and its changing moods. The film is a meditation on the human spirit and the will to survive in the face of overwhelming odds, and it's a powerful testament to the enduring power of the human spirit.

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