Alex Truelove is a high school senior living in New Jersey. He is the class valedictorian and deeply in love with his girlfriend Claire. They have been dating for a long time and are planning to go to college together. However, Alex is struggling with his sexual identity. He wonders whether he might be gay, but he is unsure and confused. This uncertainty is affecting his relationship with Claire, who is becoming increasingly frustrated with his lack of interest in sex.

One night, Alex and his friends attend a party where he meets Elliot, a handsome and confident college student. Elliot is openly gay and immediately takes an interest in Alex. Despite Alex's initial reluctance, he is drawn to Elliot's charm and confidence.

As Alex spends more time with Elliot, he begins to question his own sexuality. He confides in his friends, who offer their support but find it difficult to understand his confusion. Meanwhile, Claire becomes increasingly frustrated and eventually breaks up with him.

As the climax of the movie approaches, Alex is forced to confront his feelings and make a decision about his sexual identity. He must choose between Claire, who represents the familiar comfort of his old life, and Elliot, who represents the unknown and exciting possibilities of a new life.

Alex Strangelove is a heartfelt and humorous coming-of-age story that explores the struggles of sexual identity and the complexities of teenage relationships. Its message is one of acceptance and self-discovery, and it resonates with audiences of all ages and backgrounds.

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