Alabama Moon is a 2009 adventure drama film directed by Tim McCanlies and based on the novel of the same name by Watt Key. The film follows the story of Moon Blake, an eleven-year-old boy who has been raised by his survivalist father in the Alabama wilderness. After his father's sudden death, Moon is forced to leave the only home he has ever known and embark on a journey of self-discovery in the modern world.

As Moon tries to adjust to life outside of the wilderness, he encounters a variety of challenges, including making friends, attending school, and dealing with the authorities who are suspicious of his unconventional upbringing. Along the way, he teams up with a group of other outcasts, including a homeless boy and a reclusive veteran, who help him navigate the complexities of the modern world and learn how to make a new home for himself.

Throughout the film, Moon's love of nature and survival skills are put to the test, as he navigates through the unfamiliar landscape of modern Alabama and encounters a variety of obstacles. Despite the challenges he faces, Moon remains determined to forge a new life for himself and find a sense of belonging in the world around him.

In the end, Alabama Moon is a heartwarming tale of resilience, friendship, and perseverance, as Moon overcomes adversity and learns how to thrive in a world that is vastly different from the one he grew up in.

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