Agent Jade Black is an action-packed thriller film directed by Terry Spears. The movie follows Jade Black (Katie Burgess), a highly skilled young agent who is given the mission to capture her former mentor, Agent Karina (Connie Franklin), who has gone rogue and is intending to unleash a deadly biological weapon on members of the international sex trade.

Jade's mission takes her all over the world, from Miami to Hong Kong, as she races against time to stop Agent Karina from carrying out her deadly plan. Along the way, Jade must fight off henchmen, navigate through dangerous territories, and use all of her skills to track down her former mentor.

As the stakes get higher, Jade discovers that Agent Karina is not acting alone and that there are powerful and wealthy individuals backing her plan. Jade gets help from a fellow agent, Aiden (Buddy Campbell), as they both work together to uncover the truth behind the conspiracy and stop the threat before it's too late.

The film features high-octane chase and fight scenes, stunning international locations, and a strong female lead. Agent Jade Black is a must-watch for fans of action and thriller movies.

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