After Sex is a comedy-drama film released in 2007 and directed by Eric Amadio. The film explores the dynamics of relationships through eight different couples at various stages of their respective relationships. The couples include a teenage virgin, a married couple trying to reignite their passion, a lesbian couple wanting to explore new boundaries, and a couple dealing with the aftermath of infidelity.

The film features an ensemble cast including Mila Kunis, Zoe Saldana, Jane Seymour, and Taryn Manning, among others. Each couple's story is unique and explores various aspects of love, intimacy, and vulnerability. The film uses humor and honesty to showcase the complexity of modern-day relationships, from the initial stages of attraction and lust to the emotional aftermath of a breakup.

Throughout the film, the couples navigate various challenges such as communication issues, jealousy, and the fear of commitment. The film also challenges societal norms surrounding sex, gender, and relationships, especially in the story of the lesbian couple. Overall, After Sex is a poignant and humorous exploration of the trials and tribulations of love and relationships.

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