After Midnight is a horror-drama film directed by Jeremy Gardner and Christian Stella. The movie follows Hank, played by Jeremy Gardner himself, who lives alone in a small town in Kentucky. His girlfriend Abby, played by Brea Grant, suddenly disappears without any explanation. Devastated by the loss, Hank starts drinking heavily, neglecting his job at the local bar, and isolating himself from his friends and family.

But things get worse when a monster, referred to as "The Creeper," begins to terrorize Hank every night by trying to break through his front door. Despite his terror, Hank refuses to leave his house, becoming increasingly withdrawn and paranoid. As the monster becomes more aggressive, Hank begins to question his sanity and wonder if the monster is even real.

As the film progresses, Abby reappears, forcing Hank to confront his feelings about her and the reason for her sudden departure. The storyline is interwoven with flashbacks of Hank and Abby's relationship, unraveling the mystery of what drove her away and what the monster might represent.

The film was praised for its unique blend of horror and romance, as well as the strong performances of its cast. It was also noted for its creative use of lighting and sound design to create a chilling atmosphere.

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