The movie follows the story of a young girl named Addy, who inherits a miniature horse named Dally from her grandfather. Addy is initially hesitant about accepting Dally as she is not good with animals, but soon forms a special bond with the horse. Addy's half-sister, Ava, has a Jack Russell Terrier named Spanky who is mischievous and loves to explore.

One day, Spanky discovers that he can ride Dally like a horse and the two animals develop an unlikely friendship. Together, they embark on adventures and go on a journey of self-discovery. Addy and Ava help them along the way and learn important lessons about friendship and the value of family.

However, things take a turn when Dally is taken away from Addy by her grandfather's greedy ex-business partner. Will Addy and her family be able to save Dally and reunite her with Spanky? Adventures of Dally & Spanky is a heartwarming tale filled with humor, adventure, and a lot of love.

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