Adventureland is a coming-of-age comedy-drama film directed by Greg Mottola. The story follows recent college graduate James Brennan, played by Jesse Eisenberg, who dreams of traveling to Europe and attending grad school at Columbia University. However, he is forced to take a low-paying job at a local amusement park called Adventureland after his parents inform him that they can't afford to pay for his trip abroad.

Initially, James is disappointed with the job, believing that he won't learn anything valuable from it. However, he soon finds himself immersed in the daily grind of working at the park, where he meets a colorful cast of characters, including his co-worker Joel, played by Martin Starr, and the beautiful older park employee, Em, played by Kristen Stewart. As James starts to navigate his new environment and develops feelings for Em, he learns important lessons about life and relationships.

The film is set in the 1980s, and the soundtrack features an array of classic songs from the time period. Adventureland is a thoughtful and funny film that accurately captures the awkwardness and confusion of early adulthood. Overall, it's a heartwarming story about personal growth, and how sometimes the best life lessons are learned in unexpected places.

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