Adventure in the Hopfields is a British film from 1954, directed by Charles Saunders. The movie tells the story of a little girl, Jenny (played by Mandy Miller), who breaks her mother's favourite china ornament. To make up for her mistake, Jenny decides to pick enough hops to pay for a new ornament.

Jenny sets off on her adventure with her friends, Tom and Mary. They travel to a hop farm in Kent, where they meet a boy named Tinker (played by Melvyn Hayes), who becomes their guide through the hop fields. The children quickly learn the ropes of hop picking, and they even make friends with some of the workers on the farm.

As the days go by, the children develop a new appreciation for the hard work that goes into producing hops. They also learn important life lessons about responsibility and the consequences of their actions. Meanwhile, back at home, Jenny's mother (played by Hilda Fenemore) worries about her daughter's safety and wonders where she has gone.

The children eventually earn enough money to buy a new ornament for Jenny's mother, and they return home safe and sound. Adventure in the Hopfields is a heartwarming tale of friendship, hard work, and determination that has charmed audiences for decades.

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