Adopted is a psychological thriller movie that follows the story of a couple, David and Sarah, who decide to adopt a child after struggling for years to conceive. They finally adopt a nine-year-old girl named Esther, who seems to fit perfectly into their family. However, as time passes, they begin to notice strange behavior from Esther, including violent outbursts and a sinister streak in her actions.

As Esther's true nature is revealed, she begins to manipulate the family and drive a wedge between David and Sarah. The couple realizes that they have made a terrible mistake by adopting the child, and they fear for their safety as Esther's actions become increasingly dangerous.

As the family struggles to cope with the situation, they begin to uncover disturbing secrets about Esther's past and her true identity. The movie takes a chilling turn as the family must confront an evil force within their own home and fight for their survival.

The film is a thought-provoking exploration of the dark side of adoption and the ties that bind families together. It showcases the psychological trauma that can result from trying to fit a child into a family that may not be a good fit, and the devastating consequences that can arise from family secrets and lies.

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