The movie Adam Resurrected is based on the novel by Yoram Kaniuk and was released in 2008. It stars Jeff Goldblum as Adam Stein, Willem Dafoe as Commandant Klein, and Derek Jacobi as Dr. Nathan Gross. The film is directed by Paul Schrader and is a dark and complex exploration of the trauma and psychological damage that concentration camp survivors experienced.

The movie begins in Berlin in the 1930s when Adam Stein is a successful cabaret impresario, magician, and musician, loved by all. However, he is also a Jew, and as the Nazis gain power, he and his family are sent to a concentration camp.

In the camp, Adam is assigned to entertain Commandant Klein, who is impressed by his skills and begins to give him special privileges. Adam becomes Klein's "dog," doing tricks and performing for him, while his wife and daughter are sent off to die in the gas chambers.

After the war, Adam is released from the camp but is traumatized by his experiences. He is sent to a mental institution where he meets Dr. Nathan Gross, who tries to help him come to terms with his past. However, Adam is haunted by the ghosts of the people he saw killed in the camp, and he struggles to find a way to live with his memories.

One day, Adam is called to perform at a circus, where he meets a young boy who was raised by wolves and behaves like a dog. Adam sees himself in the boy and begins to bond with him, hoping to help him find his humanity. Together, they embark on a journey of healing and redemption, as they confront their own traumas and try to find a way to live in a world that has been devastated by war and genocide.

Overall, Adam Resurrected is a powerful and thought-provoking film that explores complex themes of trauma, memory, and survival. The performances by Goldblum, Dafoe, and Jacobi are outstanding, and the film's cinematography and score add to its haunting and melancholy atmosphere.

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