Adalynn is a psychological horror-thriller that follows the story of Emma, a young mother who is struggling to cope with her inner demons and postpartum depression. She is constantly haunted by the memories of her past and the loss of her first child. Shortly after giving birth to her second child, she begins to hear strange voices and sees terrifying visions that threaten her and her baby's safety.

As Emma's condition worsens, she realizes that she is not alone in her house. She begins to suspect that an unseen tormentor is terrorizing her and her baby, and she must do everything in her power to protect herself and her child. Despite her husband's absence, Emma fights to keep her sanity and overcome her darkest fears.

As the days go by, Emma starts to uncover the truth about her tormentor and the sinister impulses that have been driving her towards the brink of madness. With the help of her therapist, Emma must fight to survive and defeat the demons that have been haunting her since her first child's death.

As the tension builds and the stakes get higher, Emma's husband must race against time to return home and help his wife before it's too late. Will Emma be able to overcome her demons and protect her newborn baby, or will she succumb to the darkness that threatens to consume her? Adalynn is a gripping and suspenseful horror-thriller that will leave you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

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