Above the Rim is a 1994 sports drama film directed by Jeff Pollack and starring Tupac Shakur, Leon Robinson, and Marlon Wayans. The movie follows the life of a promising high school basketball star named Kyle Lee Watson, who dreams of playing college basketball and making it to the NBA. Kyle is a talented player with a bright future, but he faces challenges on and off the court.

The film is set in Harlem, New York, where Kyle lives with his mother and younger brother. Kyle's best friend is Birdie, an older boy who is involved in drug dealing and criminal activities. Birdie sees potential in Kyle and wants to help him achieve his dreams, but he also pressures him to get involved in his dangerous world.

On the other hand, there is Shep, a former basketball star who lost his chance to play professionally due to a knee injury. Shep now works as a security guard at the local community center where Kyle and his team practice. Shep sees himself in Kyle and tries to guide him in the right direction, warning him about Birdie's influence.

Kyle faces a lot of pressure as he tries to balance his basketball dreams with his loyalty to his friend Birdie, who is involved in a dangerous drug war with a rival gang. To make matters worse, Kyle falls for Birdie's girlfriend, named Rucker. This leads to a confrontation between Kyle and Birdie, and the escalation of violence threatens to destroy Kyle's future.

As the basketball season progresses, Kyle has to make tough choices about his loyalty, his friendships, and his own future. The film culminates in a dramatic basketball game between Kyle's team and his rival's team that will determine the winner of a college scholarship. In the end, Kyle must confront his own fears and make the right decisions to achieve his dreams both on and off the court.

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