The documentary revolves around electronic trio Above & Beyond's decision to embark on an acoustic tour in 2016. The film captures their journey as they transform their electronic hits into a live acoustic show, performing with a 34-piece orchestra and guest vocalists. The challenges they face in the process, including finding the right venue and rehearsing for months, are captured in intimate detail.

The film also delves into the personal lives of the band members, Jono Grant, Tony McGuinness, and Paavo Siljamäki, exploring their individual backgrounds and how they came together to form the group. Their bond and longtime friendship are highlighted throughout their journey, as they navigate the risks and rewards of pursuing their passion for music.

Above & Beyond Acoustic - Giving Up The Day Job culminates with the band's historic performance at the Hollywood Bowl, a momentous achievement for the group that showcases their musical talent and perseverance. The film offers a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the acoustic show and the band's process of exploring new musical dimensions.

Overall, the documentary is a celebration of Above & Beyond's successful transition from electronic to acoustic, and the dedication and hard work that went into making it happen.

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