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Desperate Harvest: A Gripping Tale of Survival

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AB Negative is a 2015 horror/thriller directed by Neil Horner and written by Roger Sampson. The movie features Mitchell Rad as Woodster Carneal, a struggling man who tries to make ends meet by harvesting human organs on demand. He is enlisted by a group of ruthless organ brokers who always want more organs to sell to wealthy buyers and Carneal is blackmailed into the job after they threaten to kill him and his daughter.

As he carries out his gruesome work, Carneal becomes increasingly distressed and guilt-ridden. He is haunted by the thought that he is causing others harm even as he tries to protect his own family. Meanwhile, he is being pursued by detectives Lauren Cruz (Leah Coffman) and Eddie Fuentes (Cheryl Duncan), who are hot on his trail and determined to bring him to justice.

As the action unfolds, Carneal must navigate a dangerous and complicated web of lies, violence, and deception. He must stay one step ahead of both the detectives and his ruthless employers while struggling to maintain his own sense of purpose and morality.

The movie is known for its shocking and graphic depictions of human organ harvesting, which are not for the faint of heart. It is rated R for violence, gore, language, and some sexuality/nudity. Despite its controversial subject matter, AB Negative was well-received by audiences and critics alike for its tense pacing, strong performances, and skillful direction.

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