A Zed & Two Noughts is a dark comedy-drama film directed by Peter Greenaway. The story follows the lives of twin zoologists, Oswald and Oliver Deuce, who lose their wives in a car accident. The brothers struggle to come to terms with their loss and become increasingly obsessed with the concept of symmetry - a theme that is explored throughout the film.

As part of their research, Oswald and Oliver start to photograph and document the decomposition of animals in the zoo where they work. Their fascination with death and decay leads them to form a bizarre relationship with Alba Bewick – a woman who was also involved in the car accident that killed their wives. Alba is a mysterious figure who bears a striking resemblance to the deceased women and becomes the object of the brothers' affections.

As the investigation into the car accident unfolds, a series of twists and turns reveal a web of complex relationships and hidden secrets. The story delves deep into themes of mortality, sexuality, and the human psyche.

A Zed & Two Noughts is a visually stunning film that showcases Greenaway's mastery of form and structure. His use of symmetry and mirror imaging creates a surreal and dreamlike atmosphere that perfectly complements the film's poetic and philosophical themes. With its surreal imagery, witty dialogue, and dark humor, A Zed & Two Noughts is an unforgettable cinematic experience.

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