A Time to Love and a Time to Die is a 1958 romantic war drama film directed by Douglas Sirk and based on the novel by Erich Maria Remarque. The movie is set in Germany during World War II and tells the story of a soldier, Ernst Graeber (played by John Gavin), who is given a leave to return home.

Back in his hometown, Ernst meets a young woman named Elizabeth Kruse (played by Liselotte Pulver) and they fall in love. As they spend time together, Ernst becomes aware of the destruction and suffering caused by the war and begins to question his role in it.

Despite Ernst's love for Elizabeth, he must return to the front lines, leaving her behind. As the war rages on, Ernst faces numerous challenges and hardships, including the death of his best friend and the loss of his faith in the Nazi cause.

Eventually, Ernst is captured by the Allies and sent to a prisoner of war camp. After the war ends, he is eventually released and tries to return to his hometown to reunite with Elizabeth, but finds that she has moved on with her life.

A Time to Love and a Time to Die explores the themes of love, war, loss, and morality. The movie was well received by critics and audiences alike and was nominated for two Academy Awards.

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