A Thousand Miles Behind is an upcoming independent drama film directed by Nathan Wetherington and written by Clayton Farris. The story revolves around a man named James, who is dealing with the loss of his wife and the aftermath of a tragic accident. In an attempt to find peace and solace, James embarks on a solo motorcycle trip across California.

Throughout the journey, James meets several different people, each with their own unique stories and struggles. From a young girl searching for her missing dog to a couple on the verge of divorce, James listens and provides guidance and compassion. As he travels further on his journey, he begins to reflect on his own life, guilt, and the memories of his late wife.

The film stars Bre Blair as James' wife, alongside Jeffrey Doornbos as James, and Vanessa Campbell as a young girl he meets along the way. A Thousand Miles Behind promises to be an emotional and impactful story of loss, grief, and ultimately, hope.

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