A Thousand Kisses Deep is a British psychological thriller film released in 2011. The film starts with the character named Mia, witnessing her future self commit suicide by jumping off a building. She is traumatized by this event and decides to go back in time to change her future. Mia ends up in the year 1999, where she meets a group of people living in a rundown building. She befriends a young boy, Billy, who seems to have a connection to her past.

Mia soon finds out that her future self was involved in a relationship with Ludwig, a man she despises. She is determined to break free from this cycle of events that lead to her death. Mia's attempts to change the past have unintended consequences, and she finds herself in a dangerous situation. She realizes that her actions have a ripple effect on the people she has come in contact with.

The film has a surreal quality to it, as the time-traveling Mia tries to understand the events of her past and present. The storyline is influenced by the works of Franz Kafka, and the audience is taken on a journey similar to one that Kafka's characters take. The film explores the themes of regret, love, and the consequences of our actions.

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