A Tale of Springtime is a 1990 French drama film directed by Eric Rohmer. The story revolves around Jeanne, a young girl who is introverted and contemplative. She is spending the Easter holidays alone in Paris when she meets Natasha, an older woman who works in a record store. They strike up a friendship, and Jeanne becomes fascinated by Natasha's life.

As Jeanne gets to know Natasha better, she learns that Natasha is lonely and struggling to find love. This inspires Jeanne to try to find someone for Natasha, and she realizes that her own father, a widower, might be a good match. Jeanne sets out to unite them, even though her father already has a girlfriend.

Despite her best efforts, things don't go according to plan, and Jeanne finds herself caught up in a complicated web of relationships and emotions. The movie is set against the backdrop of springtime in Paris, with beautiful shots of the city's parks and gardens. It's a thoughtful and introspective film, exploring themes of love, relationships, and the complexities of human connections.

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