Peter Dobson plays the character of Dan, who had a heart transplant recently and is recovering in the hospital. Samantha Mathis' character is named Christine, and she works as a nurse in the heart transplant facility. Dan and Christine meet each other when she is drawing blood samples from him.

Dan feels a strong attraction towards Christine and starts to spend more time with her. They gradually become closer and fall in love with each other. Meanwhile, they both become fond of a young girl named Melissa, who is also in the facility.

After some investigation, they realize that Melissa's parents were heart donors who passed away, and she is now an orphan. Dan and Christine decide to adopt her and raise her as their own daughter. They go through a lot of ups and downs and finally manage to complete the adoption process.

Throughout the film, the audience can see the struggle Dan has to overcome emotionally after his heart transplant. He frequently has nightmares and vivid hallucinations that make it difficult for him to cope with the reality of living with someone else's heart. Eventually, with Christine's help and support, he learns to embrace his new life and move on from his past.

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