A Raunchy Christmas Story follows the story of Dave, a lonely man who works at a bakery. As Christmas approaches, he expects another lonely holiday season with only his ramen noodles for company. But everything changes when a strange woman walks into his life.

Things quickly spiral out of control as Dave finds himself embroiled in a web of sex, lies, and intrigue. Russian spies are on the hunt for a secret recipe, his boss is trying to sabotage his career, and a horny bakery scientist wants to use him as a test subject.

But despite all the chaos, Dave refuses to lose his Christmas spirit. With the help of his new friend and some unexpected allies, he sets out to save the day and spread some much-needed holiday cheer.

A Raunchy Christmas Story is a raunchy and irreverent comedy that explores the true meaning of Christmas in a way that is both hilarious and heartwarming. With a cast of zany characters and plenty of laughs, it's the perfect film to get you in the holiday spirit.

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