A Quiet Place to Kill, also known as Paranoia, is a 1970 Italian thriller film directed by Umberto Lenzi. The movie follows the story of a former race-car driver named Helen (played by Carroll Baker) who is struggling financially and emotionally after her career ends due to a racing accident. Helen's ex-husband, Maurice (played by Jean Sorel), a wealthy businessman, left her for a new wife, Constance (Anna Proclemer), who invites Helen to stay at their luxurious villa on the Italian coast.

Despite their initial tension, Helen and Constance develop a bond as they share their feelings of betrayal by Maurice and their frustration with his controlling behavior. The two women start to devise a plan to kill Maurice and take revenge on him for their mistreatment. However, they soon discover that they are not the only ones with motives to harm Maurice.

As the plot thickens, the audience is introduced to a series of suspicious characters, including the villa's caretaker, an ominous stranger, and Maurice's shady business associates. Helen and Constance must navigate a complex web of deceit and betrayal, as they are caught in a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse with their target and a host of potential suspects.

The film's stylish direction and Hitchcockian themes of obsession, paranoia, and betrayal have earned it a place in the canon of Italian giallo films. With its stunning locations, evocative score, and compelling storyline, A Quiet Place to Kill remains an engaging and suspenseful thriller that has stood the test of time.

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