A Patch of Blue is a 1965 drama film directed by Guy Green. The film stars Sidney Poitier as Gordon Ralfe, a kind-hearted and well-educated black man who befriends Selina D'Arcey (played by Elizabeth Hartman), a young white girl who is blind and lives in poverty. Selina lives with her abusive mother, Rose-Ann (played by Shelley Winters), who treats her daughter cruelly and verbally abuses her on a regular basis.

Gordon first meets Selina when he accidentally bumps into her while she is sitting on a park bench. They strike up a conversation, and Gordon is immediately moved by Selina's intelligence, wit, and kind nature. He begins to visit her regularly, and the two become good friends. Gordon realizes that Selina is a victim of physical and emotional abuse at home, and he decides to help her escape from her dire situation.

Gordon takes Selina to a museum and describes the colors and textures of the paintings in detail, allowing her to experience the beauty of art in her own way. He also teaches her how to read and write, and encourages her to pursue her dreams of going to school and getting an education. Selina begins to trust Gordon and sees him as a positive influence in her life.

However, when Rose-Ann discovers that Selina is spending time with a black man, she becomes enraged and threatens Gordon with violence. Selina is torn between her loyalty to her mother and her friendship with Gordon. As the story unfolds, Selina must decide whether to continue living in a world of darkness and abuse or to embrace the light and hope that Gordon offers.

A Patch of Blue is a poignant tale of friendship, love, and perseverance in the face of adversity. The film explores issues of race, class, and disability in a sensitive and nuanced way, and features powerful and moving performances from the entire cast.

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