The movie A New York Heartbeat follows Spider, a young gang leader in New York City who is constantly looking for ways to make a quick buck. During a risky heist, Spider and his crew end up robbing a notorious gangster named Uncle Danny. When Danny finds out who robbed him, he sets out to track down Spider and his crew, leading to a deadly game of cat and mouse.

On the run, Spider finds himself in the company of a sheltered young woman named Rachel and her reclusive uncle Nicky. Nicky is a legendary mobster who was gunned down by Danny many years ago, and he takes Spider under his wing, teaching him the ways of the mob and helping him stay one step ahead of Danny's men.

As Spider spends more time with Rachel and Nicky, he begins to realize that there is more to life than just making quick cash through crime. He starts to fall for Rachel and sees a chance to start a new life with her away from the dangerous world of the gangs.

However, Danny and his men are closing in, and Spider must make a choice between the life he knows and the chance for a new beginning. With the help of Nicky, Rachel, and a few unlikely allies, Spider sets out to take down Danny and finally escape the cycle of violence and crime that has defined his life so far.

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