A New Christmas is a heartwarming holiday film that tells the story of Kabir, a medical student who is feeling lost and alone in New York City. After his mother's death, he has become distant from his wife and finds it hard to enjoy the festive season.

However, everything changes when he meets Kioni, a film student from Kenya who is spending her first Christmas in America. Kioni is full of life and curiosity, and seeing her excitement over the holiday decorations in the city rekindles Kabir's own love of Christmas.

As Kabir and Kioni explore New York's holiday sights together, they grow closer and Kabir begins to open up about his struggles. Kioni encourages him to reconnect with his wife and seek out the things that make him happy.

The film is a beautiful exploration of grief, love, and rediscovery, with powerful performances from the lead actors. It also offers a fascinating glimpse into different Christmas traditions and how they are celebrated around the world.

A New Christmas is a must-watch for anyone who feels jaded by the holiday season or who needs a reminder of the magic that can be found in the simple things.

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