A Lot of Nothing is a drama-thriller film directed by Mo McRae, who is known for his work on popular TV shows such as Sons of Anarchy and Empire. The film centers around a married couple, James and Sophie Reed, who reside in a quiet suburban neighborhood. They lead uneventful lives until one day, they witness their neighbor committing a terrible crime.

Feeling outraged by the injustice, James and Sophie decide to take matters into their own hands. They hatch a plan to seek retribution against their neighbor, but soon find themselves plunged into a dangerous world of violence and crime.

As the couple becomes more and more entangled in their illicit activities, they begin to feel the consequences of their actions. They face increasing danger from their vengeful neighbor and authorities who are trying to solve a string of crimes in the area.

As the tension rises, James and Sophie begin to realize that they might have bitten off more than they can chew. They must now fight to survive the deadly game they've found themselves playing, and try to come out alive on the other side.

Starring Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, who is best known for his roles in Watchmen and Aquaman, A Lot of Nothing is a gripping film that explores themes of justice, revenge, and the consequences of taking the law into your own hands. It promises to be a riveting viewing experience for fans of crime thrillers and drama.

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