A Lot Like Love is a romantic comedy film released in 2005. The movie follows Oliver (played by Ashton Kutcher) and Emily (played by Amanda Peet), two strangers who meet on a flight from Los Angeles to New York. Despite their initial attraction, the pair decides not to pursue a relationship as they feel they are not right for each other.

Over the next seven years, Oliver and Emily run into each other several times by chance. Each time they meet, the audience is shown a snapshot of their lives, highlighting the changes and challenges they face as they try to find their place in the world.

As they continue to cross paths, Oliver and Emily start to develop a close friendship, sharing their dreams and fears with each other. However, the timing never seems right for them to pursue anything more.

Eventually, Oliver and Emily both find themselves in relationships with other people and move on with their lives. But even with distance and time apart, something always seems to pull them back together.

In the end, Oliver and Emily realize that despite their differences and missteps, they have a connection that cannot be ignored. They finally take the leap and become a couple, living happily ever after.

The film was praised for its witty dialogue and chemistry between the lead actors. It was a commercial success, grossing over $42 million worldwide.

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