Jonathan Corliss is portrayed as a charming and intelligent college student who has grand ambitions of becoming rich and powerful. However, he comes from a modest background and must find a way to make his dreams come true. When he meets Dorothy Carlsson, the daughter of a wealthy industrialist, he sees an opportunity to advance his goals.

Jonathan soon begins secretly dating Dorothy and ingratiates himself with her father, Thor Carlsson. He even changes his name to become more appealing to the wealthy family. However, things take a dark turn when Dorothy reveals that she is pregnant and fears that her father will disinherit her if he finds out.

Determined to maintain his newfound access to the Carlsson fortune, Jonathan decides to kill Dorothy and make it look like suicide. He stages the scene and carefully covers his tracks. On the surface, it seems that Dorothy took her own life, but her twin sister, Ellen, is suspicious.

Ellen begins investigating Dorothy's death and begins to unravel the truth. Jonathan realizes that he must eliminate Ellen to protect his secrets, but he finds himself developing feelings for her. As the investigation heats up, Jonathan struggles to keep his façade intact while battling his own guilt and desires.

A Kiss Before Dying is a psychological thriller that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats as they follow Jonathan's twisted descent into madness. The film explores themes of greed, ambition, and the corrupting influence of power. It is a dark and gripping tale of one man's desperate quest for wealth and the horrific lengths he will go to obtain it.

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