A Christmas Wish is a heartwarming holiday movie that follows the journey of a single mother, Martha Evans, and her daughter, Mary. Martha is struggling to make ends meet and provide a happy Christmas for her daughter, who dreams of having a new pair of shoes and a puppy for Christmas.

One day, while working at a department store, Martha finds a wallet filled with money and returns it to its rightful owner, asking for nothing in return. Moved by her honesty, the owner gives her a job as his personal assistant, which provides a much-needed financial relief for Martha.

However, Mary's Christmas wish for a puppy seems unlikely to come true until they meet a mysterious stranger, who appears to be Santa Claus. He helps them in unexpected ways, leading them to a lost puppy that is just waiting for a new home.

As the holiday season approaches, the three of them embark on a journey of hope, love, and miracles, as they discover the true meaning of Christmas.

A Christmas Wish is a beautiful movie filled with touching moments, heartwarming performances, and a message of hope and kindness that is perfect for the holiday season.

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