A Christmas Carol Goes Wrong is a comedy film directed by Richard Boden and written by Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer, and Henry Shields. It was produced by the BBC and was initially aired on December 30, 2017.

The movie follows the Cornley Polytechnic Drama Society's attempt to put on a performance of A Christmas Carol on live television. However, the group's ineptitude and lack of experience quickly lead to chaos on set. The crew struggles to execute even basic technical elements, like sound and lighting, and the actors struggle with their lines and blocking.

As the play unfolds, the set pieces begin to fall apart, props go missing, and actors miss their cues. Despite their best efforts to salvage the situation, the cast and crew find themselves in a spiraling mess, with disastrous results.

The play is eventually hijacked by a professional cast, but even they struggle to keep the play under control. The end result is a truly chaotic and hilarious interpretation of Charles Dickens' classic tale.

The film stars members of the Mischief Theatre Company, including Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer, and Henry Shields, alongside actors like Derek Jacobi, Diana Rigg, and Matthew Horne. It received positive reviews and was praised for its irreverent, madcap humor.

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