A Brilliant Monster follows the story of Mitch Stockridge, a successful author of self-help books who, after achieving widespread success, falls into a downward spiral of anxiety and pressure to produce more hits. As he struggles to come up with new and creative ideas for his books, he begins to hallucinate a monster named "The Muse" who encourages him to delve deeper into his dark side in order to find inspiration.

As Mitch continues to be consumed by his obsession with success, his relationship with his wife, Jessica, and his own sanity begin to unravel. With The Muse constantly egging him on, Mitch becomes increasingly erratic and violent, leading him down a path of self-destruction.

As the lines between reality and fantasy blur, Mitch is forced to confront the monster within himself in order to save his life and his sanity. A Brilliant Monster explores the price of success, the creative process, and the inner demons that haunt us all.

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