8-Bit Christmas is a heartwarming Christmas comedy that takes place in the late 1980s in suburban Chicago. The story follows ten-year-old Jake Doyle, who is determined to get his hands on the hottest new video game system, the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), for Christmas.

Jake and his friends are obsessed with the NES and spend all their free time playing the games at the local video arcade. However, Jake's parents, who are struggling financially, refuse to buy him the game system, claiming that it's too expensive.

Desperate to get the NES, Jake embarks on a mission to persuade his parents to buy it for him. He tries everything from writing a letter to Santa to begging his parents for extra chores around the house.

Jake's adventure leads him to some unlikely allies, including a wise-cracking Jewish grandfather, a cranky old lady who lives next door, and even Santa Claus himself. Together, they hatch a plan to get Jake the NES for Christmas.

Throughout the film, Jake learns important lessons about perseverance, friendship, and the true meaning of Christmas. Filled with nostalgia and holiday cheer, 8-Bit Christmas is a must-watch for anyone who grew up in the 1980s and loves video games.

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