7 Splinters in Time follows the story of a detective named Darius Lefaux, who becomes obsessed with solving the mysterious murder of a man who looks exactly like him. As he delves deeper into the case, he begins to discover strange anomalies that seem to unfold in parallel worlds.

Desperately trying to make sense of what he's experiencing, Darius starts to encounter various versions of himself from multiple timelines, some of whom are determined to help him, while others are more dangerous and even deadly.

As he races against time to solve the murder and unravel the perplexing web of events that seem to be converging on him, Darius is forced to confront his own demons and reconcile with the tragic events of his past.

With an intricate plot, thought-provoking themes, and an all-star cast, 7 Splinters in Time is a gripping sci-fi thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

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