55 Steps is a biographical drama film directed by Bille August and written by Mark Bruce Rosin. The film is based on the true story of Eleanor Riese, a mental illness patient who fought to give patients like herself the right to control their own medication. The movie stars Helena Bonham Carter as Eleanor Riese and Hilary Swank as Colette Hughes.

The film follows the journey of Eleanor Riese as she battles to assert her rights as a patient with a mental illness. She meets Colette Hughes, a young lawyer who takes on her case and fights to change the law and the way patients with mental illness are treated in hospitals. Together, the two women embark on a journey that changes their lives and the lives of many others around them.

Throughout the movie, we see Eleanor's struggles with her mental illness and the challenges she faces in fighting for her rights. We also see the dedication and commitment of Colette Hughes to her cause and her determination to ensure that her client receives the justice she deserves.

55 Steps is a powerful movie that explores the themes of mental illness, patient rights, and the struggle for justice. The film highlights the importance of treating people with mental illness with respect and understanding and giving them the rights they deserve as patients. The performances by Bonham Carter and Swank are outstanding, capturing the strength and vulnerability of their characters and bringing the story to life.

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