The movie 40 Years a Prisoner is a documentary that chronicles the events that led to the 1978 Philadelphia police raid on the radical back-to-nature group MOVE and the aftermath of the raid. The film primarily focuses on the story of Michael Africa Jr., who was born in prison after his parents received a 100-year prison sentence for their involvement in the MOVE organization.

The film includes interviews and eyewitness accounts from people who were involved in the raid, as well as archival footage that captures the escalating tension between MOVE members and law enforcement. The movie shows how the confrontation between police and MOVE members resulted in a violent and controversial confrontation that left one police officer dead and several MOVE members injured.

40 Years a Prisoner also delves into the racial tensions and police brutality that were prevalent in Philadelphia at the time and shows how the raid on MOVE became a flashpoint for these issues. The documentary provides a detailed account of the trial that followed the raid and the decades-long fight by Michael Africa Jr. to secure his parents' release from prison.

Overall, the film provides a powerful and thought-provoking account of a troubling episode in American history and sheds light on issues that continue to resonate today.

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