The film follows the story of Dylan Branson, an air traffic controller who experiences a strange pattern of events repeating themselves every day at 2:22 p.m. These events include a blinding flash of light and the sound of thunder.

As the pattern continues, Dylan becomes obsessed with figuring out the cause and meaning behind it. He meets and falls in love with Sarah, a beautiful woman who works at the art museum where he often visits during his breaks.

Dylan discovers that his past may hold the key to unraveling the mystery of the pattern. He learns that his involvement in a fateful collision years ago may have set off a chain of events that he is now experiencing in the present.

As Dylan works to prevent the repetition of the events, he and Sarah find themselves in grave danger. With time running out, Dylan must find a way to break the pattern and save the woman he loves.

2:22 is a suspenseful, action-packed film that explores the concept of fate and the power of love to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

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