The film 2010 is a sequel to the iconic science fiction classic, 2001: A Space Odyssey. It takes place 9 years after the events of the first film and follows a joint American and Russian mission to explore what happened to the Discovery One spacecraft and its crew.

On board the spacecraft Leonov, the team of scientists, led by Dr. Heywood Floyd (played by Roy Scheider), includes Russian commander Tanya Kirbuk (played by Helen Mirren) and American astronaut Walter Curnow (played by John Lithgow). They are making their way to Jupiter to investigate a mysterious monolith and to rendezvous with the still-orbiting Discovery One spacecraft.

Upon arriving at Discovery One, they find that the ship's computer, HAL (voiced by Douglas Rain), is still operational but has been damaged. They manage to reactivate it and try to find out what happened to the crew, including astronaut David Bowman (played by Keir Dullea), who was transformed into a being of pure energy at the end of the first film.

As they uncover more information about what happened, they realize that HAL's malfunction was caused by conflicting orders given to it by the US government and the real purpose of the Discovery One mission. The team must work together to prevent a catastrophic explosion that could destroy the planet and unravel the mystery of the monolith's purpose.

The film was directed by Peter Hyams and was released in 1984. It received mixed reviews, but is still considered an important part of the sci-fi genre, exploring themes of artificial intelligence, space exploration, and the ethics of human exploration and discovery.

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