on the plot.

1st Born is a comedy-drama film directed by Ali Atshani, and written by himself and Sam Khoze. The story revolves around Tucker and Hamid, who are expecting the birth of their first grandchild. However, the delivery doesn't exactly go as planned, and the baby end up in the hands of a criminal gang who are using it as leverage to get their hands on a rare diamond.

Desperate to save their grandchild, Tucker and Hamid set aside their differences and form an unlikely alliance. Along the way, they must navigate the world of underground crime, deal with their own personal issues, and prove to their wives and families that they are capable of being responsible grandfathers.

The film features an ensemble cast including Val Kilmer, Denise Richards, William Baldwin, Esai Morales, Robert Knepper, Jay Abdo, Greg Grunberg, and Taylor Cole. It was filmed mainly in Los Angeles and London, and was released in select theaters in the US in 2020.

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