“12 Desperate Hours” is a fast-paced thriller movie that follows the story of Val, a single mother of two children who finds herself in a dangerous situation. The movie opens with Denny, a desperate man, carrying out a robbery and murder at a local convenience store. After the heist, Denny finds himself on the run with the police hot on his trail.

Denny's desperate need to hide eventually leads him to Val's door where he forces his way into her home. Val's world spirals out of control while Denny takes her and her children hostage. With no way out and no choice but to play along, Val knows she needs to find a way to stay alive and protect her children.

As the hours pass, Val searches for a way to escape while Denny's true motives come to light, making their situation even more perilous. With time running out and their lives on the line, Val and her children must draw on their strength and courage to try to survive.

“12 Desperate Hours” is a pulse-pounding thriller that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. With gripping performances from talented actors and a heart-racing storyline, this movie is sure to captivate audiences and leave them wanting more.

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