100 Things Movie watch online full HD

100 Days of Friendship: A Journey to Simplicity

Comedy  Germany 

on the plot.

Toni and Paul are two successful entrepreneurs who have built a fortune by creating a successful advertising agency. They live for material possessions and have become obsessed with their possessions. One day, after a drunken night out, they make a bet that they can live without their belongings for 100 days. The challenge is that they will receive only one item back each day and have to give away or sell everything else.

Toni and Paul begin the challenge, and initially, it seems to be easy for them. However, as the days go by, they start to realize just how much they rely on their possessions. They struggle to find things to do without the distractions of technology and material objects. The challenge also forces them to confront their insecurities and personal issues.

As they spend more time with each other and less with their possessions, they begin to understand the true value of their friendship. They realize that despite their individual flaws and differences, they are better together. Throughout the 100 days, they learn to appreciate the simple things in life and become more grateful for the things they have.

As the challenge comes to an end, Toni and Paul must decide which of their belongings they want to keep and which they want to give away or sell. They realize that they don't need most of their stuff and that their friendship is worth more than any material possession.

The film 100 Things provides a commentary on contemporary materialism and the quest for the truly important things in life. The story shows how people can lose sight of what is important in life, and how meaningful relationships and experiences are more valuable than material possessions.


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