The movie 100 Miles to Redemption follows the story of Shawn, a veteran who is battling the demons of his past. Shawn is haunted by the memories of fighting in a war, which led to PTSD and physical injuries that required large amounts of prescription opiates to manage the pain. However, it didn't take long before the opiates turned into an addiction that defined his life.

The emotional toll of the war is further compounded when his squad leader commits suicide. This event sends Shawn spiraling even further into despair, and he begins to lose all hope of ever leading a meaningful life. Unfortunately, things go from bad to worse when his best friend dies from a heroin overdose.

Despite the seemingly insurmountable odds, Shawn is determined to overcome his addiction and find a way to move forward with his life. He decides to embark on a journey, walking a hundred miles to seek redemption and a way out of his situation. Along the way, he encounters both allies and enemies, but ultimately, he begins to find hope as he learns to confront his demons and find strength within himself.

Through powerful storytelling and gripping performances, 100 Miles to Redemption offers a poignant exploration of the human capacity to overcome adversity and find a way forward even in the darkest of circumstances. It is a film that will resonate with anyone who has struggled with addiction or PTSD, and offers a message of hope and inspiration for those who have been touched by these issues.

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