Watch Wanderlust TV Show Streaming

Reassessing Love: A Therapist's Journey to Save Her Marriage

Drama  United Kingdom 

Wanderlust is a six-part British drama series that aired on BBC One in 2018. It follows the story of a therapist named Joy Richards, played by Toni Collette, who lives with her husband, Alan, and their three children in Manchester, England.

The series begins with Joy and Alan's marriage hitting a rough patch after Joy is involved in a cycling accident. This incident prompts the couple to reassess their relationship and question whether they are truly happy together. Joy, being a therapist herself, begins to explore new ways of dealing with her own emotions and those of her patients.

Throughout the series, Joy begins to experiment with open relationships and polyamory, which creates tension and conflict in her marriage. Along the way, she sees patients who are also struggling with issues of love, intimacy, and fidelity.

As the series progresses, Joy and Alan struggle to navigate their changing relationship, all while dealing with the challenges that come with being parents and professionals. Meanwhile, Joy's patients continue to open up to her and challenge her own notions of intimacy and connection.

Wanderlust is a thoughtful and nuanced exploration of love, relationships, and sexuality, with a talented cast and outstanding performances, particularly from Collette. The series received critical acclaim for its honest portrayal of complex issues and the skillful way it handles difficult subject matter.


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