Watch Timeless Love Movie full length

Rekindling Amnesiac Love: A Timeless Journey

TV Movie,Drama,Romance  United States of America 

Megan wakes up after being in a coma for several years, only to discover that her entire life has been a dream. She has no husband, no children, and no memories of her past life. However, she is determined to find her way back to the life she thought she had.

Megan sets out to find her husband Thomas, only to discover that he is now married to someone else. She is devastated, but she still feels a strong connection to him. With the help of her friend, Megan devises a plan to win Thomas back and make him fall in love with her again.

As Megan spends time with Thomas, she begins to remember some of the moments from her dream life. She realizes that she has always been in love with him, even if it wasn't real. Over time, Thomas starts to fall in love with Megan again, but he doesn't understand why he is so drawn to her.

Meanwhile, Megan's friend helps her uncover a surprising truth about her coma and the circumstances surrounding it. With this new information, Megan begins to understand why she dreamed the life she did and what her true purpose is.

Timeless Love is a heartwarming romance that explores the power of love and the importance of following your heart. It is a story about second chances and the belief that true love can conquer all. As Megan and Thomas rediscover their love for each other, they realize that time, distance, or even a coma cannot break the bond that holds them together.


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